@article{oai:gijodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000051, author = {舘, 和彦 and 小比田, 友恵 and 丹生, 眞沙美}, issue = {2}, journal = {食文化研究, FOOD CULTURE RESEARCH}, month = {May}, note = {To study defecation promoting effects of bread loaves added with ample wheat bran, a group of 10 female students who tended to suffer from constipation were asked to consume 60g of bread loaves replaced 20% of wheat flour with wheat bran for two weeks and 60g of bread loaves without wheat bran for another two weeks. The students were asked to answer questions on their defecation situations. The result showed significant differences in the number of defecation and on the feeling of exhilaration at defecation between the two groups. Improvement tendency was also observed in effects on the amount of feces.}, pages = {35--38}, title = {小麦ふすま多量添加食パンの摂取が女子学生の排便状況に及ぼす影響}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タチ, カズヒコ and コヒタ, トモエ and ニオ, マサミ} }